Thursday 22 October 2009



气象学家权威透露,如果大气中的二氧化碳厚度超过了350百万分之一, 就将引起无法预料的天气巨变!


全球的气候危机是人类文明发展所面临的最大挑战,自18世纪开始,工业革命时期至今, 人类开始燃烧煤、天然气和石油以生产能源和货物,接着大气中的二氧化碳厚度开始上升,暖化速度从缓慢变得更加快速。





电影《明天以后》里的情节,全球气温暖化,冰川溶解,海平面上升 ,再繁荣的都市也会被海水吞噬掉, 地球就会进了冰河时期,人类就没有了栖息之所了!


全人类需要一项不分国际的平等条约以快速降低碳的排放量。 联合国正协商一项条约, 该条约的细节将于今年12月丹麦哥本哈根会议中拟订,其中内容包含加重碳价格,使人们不会过度使用碳用量。



文章参考自:350十月二十四日 一個國際氣候行動日

Wednesday 21 October 2009




這是新加坡政府進行的40年 Clean and Green Campaign。我覺得這個片段不錯,當你說要拯救這個地球時,應該要由家做起,再由你的周圍、國家。。。循序而漸進!

Monday 19 October 2009

全球暖化 需要你的关注 (一)





气温失衡令传染病肆虐,全球人类生命备受威胁。面对全球暖化带来的恶果,我们不能够坐以待毙! 必须采取行动,保护地球,保护我们及下一代...




Coming Soon: Film Screening @ UTAR

Hi folks, just to flash a reminder real quick - we are inviting everyone to our First Film Screening @ Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.

That's right! Everybody's invited to our homeground to catch a movie about environmental issues, speak your mind during the forum right after the film, and hangout!

Details are as follows,

Date: Wednesday - Friday, 21 - 23 October 2009
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Classroom PD102, Level B2, PD Block, PJ Campus, UTAR
Films: An Inconvenient Truth / The 11th Hour (to be decided)

Non UTAR-ians:

You may be required to register yourselves at the guardhouse. It is recommended not to double park unless you are building a collection of parking summons (some of us are). There are several roadside mamaks and an Indian restaurant (SP corner) nearby for your lunch needs. PD Block also has a cafeteria.

Map to UTAR PJ campus:

Please refer any complications to our dashing public relations correspondent, Basil Foo (012-6240360).

P.S. BYOP (bring your own popcorn)

Thursday 15 October 2009

环保酵素 救地球



另外, 环保酵素能自然有效分解和消灭有害微生物及人工化学污染,酵素也取代了家中的化学用品,最后会流入下水道,还可一起净化河流与海洋,保护我们的环境。制造环保酵素其实很简单,酿制的过程不需担心会产生臭气,只要将酿制的容器盖好,酿制三個月就可以了。


Tuesday 13 October 2009

How "green" are you?

by Joey

Small actions can lead to big effects.

So, how "green" are you?

Here are some points for you to ponder on:

1. Did you know tissue paper cannot be recycled? Use a hankie instead

2. Did you know about organic cotton? It is cotton grown organically and made into clothes. It's very soft and warm.

3. Did you know about real natural beauty products? It is made of chinese herbs or herbs from New Zealand.

4. Did you know the food you throw away can be remade into soil? It takes 48hours with a special machine and the result is soil.

5. Did you know of furniture made of magazines? They're really comfortable and unique in colours.

6. Did you know of bags made of newspaper, coffee bags and coin pouches made of tires? They look really fashionable, mind you.

7. Did you know rice husks can be made into chopsticks and bowls? Yes, they have found a way to process the unwanted husks into usable items.

8. Did you know of eco-friendly lingerie? Yes, it is now available made from organic cotton and bamboo.

9. Did you know of the electric scooter and bicycle? Soon to be available.

10. This you must know which are electric saving bulbs.

Have you learnt more about saving the environment with the list above?


Before I end, here is something for you to ponder on.

Ask yourself are you a today person or a tomorrow person?

Today person is one who enjoys the present not caring about the future while the tomorrow person lives today but also thinks about the future.

I am sure there is a today in everyone but is there a tomorrow in everyone?

Water Conservation-isms

Right, checking back again for another round of jotting down nature-activism-type messages on this here blog. As I'm typing, wind is blowing the curtains in and the parched earth would welcome the long awaited deluge of wetness. No need to water the veggie patch today!

Water's been an excellent companion to our species' existence, us not being able to live without it, but it can be a destructive life-taking force when it so chooses, especially in the light of the recent natural disasters to have hit our region ('04 tsunami, '09 typhoons).

So it's fitting how, by treating our world better and being more conscious about how our excessive lifestyles are causing the elements to go berserk, the environment, in turn, treats us better by not wiping out coastal communities and causing tremendous amounts of human and economic casualties.

The following Water Conservation Tips has been brought to you by fellow activist, poet, and blogger, Jason Mraz..

- Don’t leave the faucets running! Brush your teeth and wash the dishes conservatively.

- When washing clothes, use full loads. Get in with your housemates on this one. It means you’ll ultimately have to use the machine less. That’s less water AND less energy.

- Stop washing your car. Save it for a rainy day. I mean, really. It’s only a car. Let your dusty driving machine be a symbol of your conservatism.

- Collect rainwater for your garden and houseplants. Use gallon buckets and drums to collect and store water for hydrating your hydrangeas.

- Stop buying plastic water bottles. Every bottle you purchase is a vote for more waste. Fix your tap at home with a filter if the drinking water makes you nervous.

"A bottle of ’spring’ water costs 2000 times as much energy as a bottle of tap water. In other words: the energy it takes to produce one bottle of spring water can be used to fill two thousand bottles with tap water." -

Instead of generating a sizable amount of plastic trash everytime you get thirsty, get a permanent water bottle for all your hydrating needs! Refillable, reusable, and saves your Ringgits in the long run. This town in Australia has taken conservation efforts a step further and actually banned the sale of bottled water!

Hope you've been intellectually aroused by the liquid facts and are inspired to reduce our consumption levels! Remember, when we lower down consumption, production levels will follow suit, leading to less energy use and in effect, less pollution. There's probably a diagram to show all those connections! But it is late, and I should probably get going. Look it up in your Tingkatan 3 Sains book maybe!


Monday 12 October 2009

Inspirational video and some messages

Hi, how's everybody doing? It's approaching the end of our short semester break here in UTAR and classes are about to resume around the corner. It's about time things started picking up around here! To kick off my contribution, here's an inspiring video I caught on BukuMuka.

Some of you might have seen it already as it has been viral for sometime, but for those of you who haven't, it contains a message of hope about the youth of this generation..

Coming Soon:

Look out for our Tree construction videos as we post up scenes of us building a decorative tree to spread the story of climate change!

The first film screening is approaching fast (within the next 2 weeks)! Details in the following posts..


Sunday 11 October 2009


Join the call for a global climate deal at